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   Country : Singapore Capital : SINGAPORE CITY Currency : SINGAPORE DOLLARS


Tourist Visa
Visa form fully complete and signed 
Valid passport with atleast six months remaining before expiry from the date of arrival in Singapore. 
2 Photos (please see the note below for specification) 
Return confirm Air tickets ( PNR should be ticketed with ticket numbers reflecting on it)
Covering letter explaining the reason of travel 
Last 3 years income tax papers and last 6 months bank statement ( In original and duly attested by the bank)
If a single parent is travelling with minor kid, then the original NOC of the other parent, along with his/her signature and name proof should be accompanied without which visa will not be granted. 
Airlines staff with open ticket need to attachthe original airlines No Objection Certificate (NOC) 
Ensure that passport has at least 2 blank pages

Business Visa
Visa form fully complete and signed 
Valid passport with atleast six months remaining before expiry from the date of arrival in Singapore. 
2 Photos (please see the note below for specification) 
Return confirm Air tickets ( PNR should be ticketed with ticket numbers reflecting on it)
Covering letter explaining the reason of travel 
Last 3 years income tax papers and last 6 months bank statement ( In original and duly attested by the bank)
Ensure that passport has at least 2 blank pages
INVITATION FAX, to be submitted along with the case.

Transit Visa

Special Notes
Special Notes:

1) Two Proofs of residence required in case passport is issued outside consulate jurisdiction. It has to be a recent income tax statement, electricity bill, telephone bill or a leave & licence agreement. The same proof should have the travellers name and current residential address stated on it. Please note that latest form of proof of residence is to be submitted (i.e. previous or current month)

2) In case of visa applications for children below 18 years of age, travelling without the parents, then passport copies of both the parents are required. If both the parents does'nt have passports then NOC on Rs. 100/- stamp paper specifying the name and relationship of the persons taking their child to Singapore is required. This NOC should be signed by both the parents. Also a covering letter on father's letter head is required to obtain the visa, which should be signed by both the parents.

3) For children's application where the passport photograph is out of resemblance, Affidavit from the parents is required, stating that the photograph on the passport and the current photo are in fact of the same child. (Current photo need to be attached on Affidavit) 

4) For Couples who are "ALREADY MARRIED and either of the spouse's passport is outside the Consulate Jurisdiction, then the doucments required are as under.

A letter from the Society, on society's original letterhead, mentioning their names and the date from when they are staying together is required. Apart from this, consulate also requires

Wedding Invitation card in Original
Marriage photographs in Original
Marriage Certificate/ Marriage Affidavit in Original
For couples who are not married, but will be getting married later and either of the couples passport is not from Consulate Jurisdiction in Mumbai, that person CANNOT apply for the Singapore visa from Mumbai. Only the spouse whose passport falls under the Mumbai Jurisdiction will be able to apply for the visa from here.

Kindly note that incase both of the spouses passports are from the Consulate Jurisdiction, then they can apply for the visa from the Mumbai Consulate. 

General Photo Requirement for all the applicants: Please note that the photograph must be 35 mm by 45 mm high without border and taken within the last 3 months. Both the ears should be clearly visible, person should be looking straight at the camera. in case the person is wearing glasses, the glass shade should not fall on the photo. Further, photograph has to be taken full face without headgear (unless the applicant habitually wears a headgear in accordance with his/her religious or racial custom but the headgear must not hide the applicant's features). The facial image must be between 25 mm and 35 mm from chin to crown taken against a plain white background. The photograph finishing should be matt or semi-matt. NO DIGITAL OR SCANNED PHOTOS ACCEPTED

1) One can enter Singapore up to the date visa valid ie if Visa expires on 15MAY 2011 person can fly into Singapore up to 15MAY 2011.

2) In case holding a valid Singapore visa you can apply for a New One within 1month of visa expiry date.
i.e if visa expires on 15 MAY 2011 you can apply on or after 15 APR 2011. In case if un aware pax having valid visa and you apply within this period then the new visa which will be granted will be applicable and over write the existing one or will be cancelled.
However if holding valid visa up to 15 MAY 2011 and un aware hence apply before 15 APR 2011 then the visa will be rejected as the holding visa will be considered valid. So its mandatory to check visa validity and not to apply within 1 month

3 ) This is mainly with regards to SINGAPORE GRATIS VISA CASES:
A person who is has a valid Singapore visa on their old passport needs to transfer their visa if holding a new passport. Such transfer visas/ cases are termed Gratis.
However the expiry date on the valid visa should be more than 3 months from the date of application, in order for it to be eligible for Gratis case otherwise they would have to apply as a fresh application.
Example – Valid visa in old passport has an expiry date of 15APR 2011 then we can transfer up to 15JAN 2011 after 15JAN 2011 it will NOT be considered as Gratis. 
Now if visa in old passport expiring on 15FEB 2011 we cannot apply as Gratis on 15DEC 2011 as its within 3months.
Also keep in mind if any details from old passport front page such as name / DOB / POB/ passport number differ to new passport front page it will NOT be considered as Gratis, we need to apply as new application. Even if holding valid visa.

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